• Stomach or Gut Issues Impacting Your Day?

                        A simple breath test can help you get the answers you need.

    It makes sense to make sure

Please be aware, all tests require a practitioner's order. Form available here.

About Our Tests

AllClear Healthcare’s breath testing process is simple, convenient, and non-invasive. Our testing is much less expensive and less invasive than other diagnostic tests. It's a simple first step to identify or rule out digestive issues. Get the right information to get the right treatment. 

It Makes Sense to Make Sure.

About Our Tests

Hydrogen and Methane breath tests are based on the fact that there is essentially no source for hydrogen or methane gas in the human body other than bacterial metabolism of carbohydrates. The hydrogen and methane produced in the intestine is absorbed into the blood, and is exhaled through the lung. The tests exploit the fact that with reduced absorption of a specific sugar, this sugar travels downstream in the gut and ends up in the large intestine/colon and gets fermented there, with resultant abnormal hydrogen/methane levels recorded on the breath test. Similarly, if bacteria are present in the small intestine (which is abnormal = small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO) the sugars, instead of getting all absorbed, give rise to abnormal hydrogen/methane levels that can be measured. All tests take 3 hours to complete and require a physician's order.  

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